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French Box Office: France Ticket Sales in 2011 Set All-Time High
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While going to the movies has never been less popular here in the States, everyone in ol’ Paris seems to be saying voulez-vous aller au cin?ma avec moi, ce soir? All Lady Marmalade jokes and rudimentary French aside, 2011 was a very good year for the French box office with 215.59 million tickets sold — the best numbers since 1966, the barely-clad days of Brigitte Bardot. In December alone, tickets were selling like hot baguettes (too much?), raking in a dizzying 24.7 million in ticket sales. Unfortunately, things weren’t so rosy in America in 2011. Domestic numbers dropped off from 47.6 to 46 percent in the past year, and ticket sales reached 16 year lows. 2011 was the seventh straight year that box-office figures dropped. C’est la vie! [via THR] [Photo: AFP/Getty] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook The Moviefone Blog Ana Beatriz Barros Ana Hickmann Ana Ivanovi Ana Paula Lemes Ananda Lewis
While going to the movies has never been less popular here in the States, everyone in ol’ Paris seems to be saying voulez-vous aller au cin?ma avec moi, ce soir?
All Lady Marmalade jokes and rudimentary French aside, 2011 was a very good year for the French box office with 215.59 million tickets sold — the best numbers since 1966, the barely-clad days of Brigitte Bardot. In December alone, tickets were selling like hot baguettes (too much?), raking in a dizzying 24.7 million in ticket sales.
Unfortunately, things weren’t so rosy in America in 2011. Domestic numbers dropped off from 47.6 to 46 percent in the past year, and ticket sales reached 16 year lows. 2011 was the seventh straight year that box-office figures dropped. C’est la vie!
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French Box Office: France Ticket Sales in 2011 Set All-Time High